PROJECT: iFridge


iFridge is a desktop grocery management application to encourage home cooks to manage their food waste. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 20kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: added the ability for user to manage his/her grocery items systematically.

    • What it does: The grocery list management allows the user to keep track of their grocery items with ease.

    • Justification: Fridge management is a difficult process as it is hard to keep track of all the food items in the fridge and consume them before they expire. iFridge’s grocery list solves the problem by allowing the user to key in the data of the food items.

      The list supports basic features such as glist add and glist delete as well as other complementing features such as glist sort and glist find. The grocery list management is the backbone of the app as grocery items management is needed to support management of other lists (waste list, template list and shopping list). In addition, the grocery list is likely to be the most frequented list by the user.

    • Highlights: While implementing this feature, I had to implement new commands such as glist use and glist sort. glist use is differentiated from glist edit as the underlying implementation of glist use appears to be different from glist edit.

      On the other hand, glist sort is implemented to further improve the convenience level for the user. As of now, the sorting type supported is in ascending alphabetical order and ascending expiry date.

  • Minor enhancement: Cross-conversion between units in Amount class

    • What it does: Allows for cross-conversion between different units supported by the app.

    • Justification: Users would prefer to input the amount field based on their own preferences of units. They would not want to be restricted by the units already specified as they would have to do their own conversions manually. Thus, we decided to implement the unit conversions to allow for greater convenience for the user.

    • Highlights: While implementing this feature, the choices of units are narrowed down to those that are most frequently used. Both the units and values can be easily retrieved by methods from the Amount class. As of now, the conversion methods are hard-coded as I was not able to find a library that is fully appropriate for the feature. The conversion methods in Amount class were heavily abstracted to provide next developers the ease of understanding and adding support for other units as they wish.

  • Code contributed: The samples of my functional and test code can be viewed here.

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Added user stories as issues on GitHub

      • Reviewed pull requests by team members

      • Opened issues when bugs were found (Issue #219)

      • Fixed bugs after they were found (PR #218)

    • Community:

      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (Issue #5, #2, #1)

    • Tools:

      • Setup the Github repo, Travis and Coveralls.

      • Integrated TravisCI to the team repo (PR #7)

      • Integrated Coveralls to the team repo (PR #237)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Grocery List Management

Adding a food item: glist add

Adds a grocery item to the grocery list.
Format: glist add n/ITEM_NAME e/EXPIRY_DATE a/AMOUNT [t/TAG]

  • e/EXPIRY_DATE must follow the format dd/MM/yyyy.

  • a/AMOUNT must have a magnitude i.e. measurable quantity and a unit. Magnitude and unit can be separated by spaces. Refer here for more info.

  • There may be more than one tag field.

  • The input fields can be in any order.

  • Item with either same name or expiry date as the existing ones can be added.

  • Item with same name and expiry date as the existing ones cannot be added.


  • glist add n/Fuji apples e/30/10/2019 t/healthy a/10units
    Add Fuji apples of quantity 10 units, tagged as "healthy" and expiring on 30 October 2019.

  • glist add n/salad a/3units e/25/09/2019
    Add salad of quantity 3 units, untagged and expiring on 25 September 2019.

  • glist add n/tea a/200 ml e/18/10/2019 t/fresh t/drink
    Add tea of quantity 200 ml, tagged as "fresh" and "drink" and expiring on 18 October 2019.

Listing all grocery items: glist list

Shows a list of grocery items in the grocery list.
Format: glist list

Deleting a grocery item: glist delete

Deletes the specified grocery item from the grocery list when it is done being used. If the grocery item is not completely used up when deleted (i.e. amount > 0), the item will be moved to the waste list.
Format: glist delete INDEX

Use a grocery item: glist use

Reduces the amount left of a grocery item by the specified amount.
Format: glist use INDEX a/AMOUNT

  • The amount left of a grocery item must be more than or equal to the specified amount to use.

  • If the unit of input amount is different from the unit of item, the resultant amount would follow the unit of the original item. e.g. If an item of 1kg is used by 300g, it would become 0.7kg and not 700g.


  • glist use 2 a/300g
    Reduces the amount of 2nd item by 300 grams.

  • glist use 3 a/5 L
    Reduces the amount of 3rd item by 5 liters.

Edit a grocery item: glist edit

Edits an existing item in the grocery list.
Format: glist edit INDEX [n/ITEM_NAME] [e/EXPIRY_DATE] [t/TAG]

  • Edits an item at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the number shown in the displayed list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided. At least one of the provided fields must be different from the original item’s field.

  • Amount cannot be edited, but can only be modified through use.

  • Existing values will be updated to input values.

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed. i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.

  • You can remove all the item’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.

  • As the grocery list does not allow duplicates (items with same name and expiry date), any attempt of edit to achieve duplication is not allowed and would result in an error.

  • User is encouraged to practise discretion when editing an item as iFridge is unable to recognise items based on its name and compare between the name and amount of an item. For example, if an item named Milk with amount 2L is edited to have the name Beef, iFridge would allow the edit, even though Beef with amount 2L does not sound logical.


  • glist edit 1 n/Fuji apple t/healthy
    Edits the name and tag of the 1st item to be Fuji apple and healthy respectively.

  • glist edit 2 n/Olive oil t/
    Edits the name of the 2nd item to Olive oil and clears all existing tags.

Sort the grocery list: glist sort

Sorts the grocery list based on the type of sorting.
Format: glist sort by/TYPE

Sorting is done on the original grocery list. Hence, for example, when sort is done after find, both the resultant find list and the original list will be sorted.

The type of sorting supported is as follows:

  • alphabetical: Sort the grocery list based on the item’s name in ascending alphabetical order

  • expiry: Sort the grocery list in ascending expiry date. i.e. from oldest to newest.


  • glist sort by/alphabetical

  • glist sort by/expiry

Finding items by keywords: glist find

Finds items whose name or tag contain any of the given keywords.
Format: glist find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g apple will match Apple

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. apple milk will match milk apple

  • Only the item name and tag are searched.

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. appl will not match apple

  • Grocery items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. it uses an OR search). e.g. apple dinner will return Apple juice, Pizza tagged with dinner, and Apple pie tagged with dinner.


  • glist find apple
    Returns Fuji apple and Apple loaf cake and other items tagged as apple

  • glist find milo doughnut roasted
    Returns any grocery item which contains any of the word milo, doughnut, or roasted as either name or tag or both

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Use Grocery Feature


The glist use feature in the grocery list allows user to use their food items based on the AMOUNT inputted.

This implementation of this feature is highly dependent on the Amount class as deduction of values is done by the Amount class itself.

The sequence diagram for interactions between the Logic and Model components when a user executes the glist use command is shown below. The subsequent sequence diagram shows a lower level picture of how a grocery item is used.

Figure 1. The sequence diagram to show how use grocery command is parsed and executed.
Figure 2. The sequence diagram for the reference frame to show the process of how a grocery item is used.

The current implementation for using a grocery item is by overwriting the existing grocery item with a new grocery item object with its amount field deducted, as shown in the diagram above. The rest of the fields are copied over without any other modifications.

The glist use command is also able to support unit conversion. Currently, the implementation of the unit conversion are calculated manually inside the Amount class. No external library is used.

The following activity diagram summarises how the unit conversion is done.


The conversions of units are done in the Amount class. Unit type is necessary in the implementation to allow for keeping track of different unit groups across different lists in the application. For example, kg, g, lbs, and oz are all categorised under the unit type Weight. (Refer to the User Guide for more info about the Amount parameter.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Storing of the value and unit
Table 1. Design considerations for storing value and unit in Amount class
Alternative 1 (Chosen Implementation) Alternative 2 Alternative 3

Storing the value and unit as a combined string.

  • Pros:

    • Maintains consistency with other fields (name, expiry date).

  • Cons:

    • Difficult to parse and manipulate.

Storing the value and unit as a float and a string

  • Pros:

    • Parsing would be easier.

  • Cons:

    • Consistency is compromised.

Storing the value and unit as two classes of itw own (i.e. Value class and Unit class)

  • Pros:

    • More OOP.

    • More scalable and maintainable.

  • Cons:

    • Consistency is compromised.

    • Harder to implement.

    • Implementation might be overkill/redundant.

Aspect: Deducting the Amount
Table 2. Design considerations of the glist use command
Alternative 1 (Chosen Implementation) Alternative 2

Create a new grocery item and replace it with the old one.

  • Pros:

    • This method is easier to implement and would be less prone to bugs.

  • Cons:

    • Less efficient in terms of runtime.

Modify the Amount in the grocery item.

  • Pros:

    • Will be more efficient and use less memory.

  • Cons:

    • Mutable Amount field may result in unforeseen changes, hence more prone to bugs.

Aspect: Keeping track of unit type
Table 3. Design considerations for the unit conversion in glist use
Alternative 1 (Chosen Implementation) Alternative 2

Keeping the original unit of the item.

  • Pros:

    • Easy to maintain.

  • Cons:

    • May not be very intuitive for the user.

Changing the original unit of item to the one input by user.

  • Pros:

    • Will be more intuitive to the user. e.g. After using 650ml of a 1L milk, it might be more intuitive to show 350ml instead of 0.35L.

  • Cons:

    • Difficult to implement and maintain, due to its subjectiveness.

    • Consistency may be compromised.

Grocery List Manual Testing

  1. Adding a grocery item while all items are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. The grocery list can be empty or contain some items.

    2. Test case: glist add n/Coffee a/200ml e/19/11/2019 t/caffeine
      Expected: If the grocery list is empty, a grocery item would be added to the grocery list. Details of the added grocery item would also be shown in the status message.

  2. Deleting a grocery item while all items are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. Multiple grocery items exist in the grocery list.

    2. Test case: glist delete 1
      Expected: First grocery item is deleted from the grocery list. Details of the deleted grocery item is shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: glist delete 0
      Expected: No grocery item is deleted. Error details is shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect delete commands to try: glist delete, glist delete x (where x is larger than the list size). Expected: Similar to previous.

  3. Editing a grocery item in the grocery list

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. Multiple grocery items exist in the grocery list. Item to be edited must not same name and expiry date as any other item in the list.

    2. Test case: glist edit 1 n/Papaya
      Expected: If the first grocery item has unique name and expiry date in the grocery list, the grocery item’s name is edited to Papaya. Other fields remain the same. Details of the edited grocery item is shown in the status message.
      If the first grocery item does not have unique name and expiry date in the grocery list, the grocery item’s name is not edited. Error details is shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: glist edit 2 a/500ml
      Expected: Error details is shown in the status message as amount field cannot be edited.

  4. Using a grocery item in the grocery list

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. Multiple grocery items exist in the grocery list. Item to be used has the same unit type and is not used up completely. Amount left exceeds amount to be used.

    2. Test case: glist use 1 a/50ml
      Expected: The amount of the first grocery item is deducted by 50ml. Other fields remain the same. Details of the used grocery item is shown in the status message.

    3. Other invalid use commands to try: glist use 2 a/400g (where the item has unit of L), glist use 2 a/30lbs (where the amount of the item is less than 30lbs).

  5. Sorting the grocery list

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. Multiple grocery items exist in the grocery list.

    2. Test case: glist sort by/expiry
      Expected: The displayed grocery list would be sorted based on the grocery item’s expiry date in ascending order (from earliest to most recent).

    3. Test case: glist sort by/alphabetical
      Expected: The displayed grocery list would be sorted based on the grocery item’s name in ascending alphabetical order.

  6. Finding items based on name or tag

    1. Prerequisites: List all grocery items in the grocery list using the glist list command. Multiple grocery items exist in the grocery list. Name or tag to be found may exist or not exist in any of the grocery items.

    2. Test case: glist find apple snack
      Expected: The displayed grocery list would now contain items that has apple and snack as either their name or tag. If no items match, the displayed list would be empty.